This project that was funded through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) is coming to a close early this December. It allowed us the means to engage with several local people about the need for wildlife and pollinator habitats in central Iowa. I’d like to take the time to reflect on all the great work that we’ve done through this grant. Here are the highlights of our accomplishments of over the last three years with a few numbers.

6 Field Days were held on the following topics: Hamilton County Wetlands, CRP/Pollinator Habitat, Saturated Buffers, Multi-Scale Habitat Restoration, Story County Wetlands, Orchard, and Prairie Pollination.

220 People attended field days between 2019 and 2021

CRP Pollinator Habitat Field Day

5 Webinars were held in 2021 on the following topics: Water Quality, Ethnobotany, Planting for Pollinators, Citizen Science Opportunities, and Habitat Financial Assistance.

119 People attended our webinars in 2021

Which Water Worry Where Webinar

6 Water Quality Snapshots were held each spring and autumn between 2019 and 2021.

113 Volunteers tested water quality during our snapshot events.

Which Water Worry Where Webinar

36 Landowners were provided with technical assistance for nutrient reduction, water quality, wildlife habitat, and erosion issues.

30 Species of native plants were offered through the Community Seed Bank Program started in 2019.

96 Landowners were provided with native seeds through the Community Native Seed Bank

179 Acres of pollinator habitat were restored or enhanced through the Community Native Seed Bank

Native Seed Bank

9 County Maps were developed to find the ideal placement for new habitat installation.

10 Years of water quality monitoring were planned through a collaborative group of Story County stakeholders.

Story County Water Monitoring and Interpretation Plan
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