Ten Things I Didn’t Know About Rolle Bolle

Ten Things I Didn’t Know About Rolle Bolle

Recently, I had the opportunity to hang out with the group of Rolle Bolle enthusiasts who play this game every weekend of the summer rotating between courts in the Iowa Valley, Minnesota, and Illinois. They are such a welcoming group who made me feel at home. If only I hadn’t been fighting a cold at the time, I would have accepted the beverage of Rolle Bolle choice and then been able to call myself family. This truly felt like a family sport, not only because there was a mom, dad, and daughter playing, and many of them were related, but because they encouraged each other, gave tips, and maybe had a little bit of rivalry.

Recently, I had the opportunity to hang out with the group of Rolle Bolle enthusiasts who play this game every weekend of the summer rotating between courts in the Iowa Valley, Minnesota, and Illinois. They are such a welcoming group who made me feel at home. If only I hadn’t been fighting a cold at the time, I would have accepted the beverage of Rolle Bolle choice and then been able to call myself family. This truly felt like a family sport, not only because there was a mom, dad, and daughter playing, and many of them were related, but because they encouraged each other, gave tips, and maybe had a little bit of rivalry.

Those of you who have grown up in the Iowa Valley have most likely heard of Rolle Bolle and know how the game is played. For this central Iowan, I had never heard of the game and was quite surprised by many details I hadn’t noticed just by viewing the game in photos.

In simplistic terms, the game is played by teams of three or four people rolling bolles down an alley aiming to land their bolles closest to a pole. The object is to have the most bolles* the closest distance to the pole than the other team by the end of everyone’s turn.

*One of the defining characteristics of Rolle Bolle is the beveled wheel-like shape of the ball or bolle. Bolles are manufactured in a way so that they do not roll straight but in a curved, elliptical path.


The 10 Things I Learned 

1: Although the bolle looks like a greatly enlarged hockey puck to me, it is not the same diameter on each side. I even rolled the bolle down our hallway here at Prairie Rivers and did not notice that there is a smaller side and a larger side. So why the beveled shape? The origin of the shape is not known; a fun theory is that the first bolle was a wheel of Gouda cheese, although this is probably not true. Whatever the origin, the shape is what makes the game unique to horseshoes, bocce, bowling, or curling.

2: There is not a one-size-fits-all regulation size for the bolle. Although they can weigh no less than five and no more than 9.5 pounds and measure no larger than 8” in diameter, they can be different for each player. Doesn’t this give someone with a larger bolle an advantage of being closer to the pole? “Not really,” I am told. A smaller bolle may be able to creep between thrown bolles better, a larger one may be lighter and more easily bumped out of position. What it boils down to is the boller knowing their bolle’s weight and turn and their aim, strategy, skill, and luck. 

3: Bolles are not all made of the same material. Nineteenth-century bolles were made from ironwood, a hard dense type of wood. Fiberglass has also been used. Belgian bolles today are mostly made of phenolic resin which produces a lighter and chip-resistant bolle. Most bolles in the United States are made from rubber and there are only two makers in the United States. One of those makers, De Pauw, makes bolles that are rubber in the center and phenolic material on the outside; he calls it the “Wonder Bolle.”

4: Just as there isn’t one regulation size or material for the bolles, there isn’t a regulation for the material or slope of the courts. The court must be 42’ long with two stakes placed 6’ from the backstop (30’ between stakes). Most of the outdoor alleys are crushed limestone material that may get rolled before a tournament in an attempt to smooth it out. Alleys can also be made from clay, dirt, sand, grass, or even carpet (usually on an indoor court). And the slope can range from court to court, which as you can imagine will change the way you roll the bolle. Remember that beveled shape?

5: The backstops must be 6’ from the pole but a barrier behind the backstop can be any distance. Think of a pit with railroad ties surrounding it. The distance from the backstop line (which your foot can cross but not go over while throwing) and the railroad tie can be different and depending on the length of your legs, this can give you space to take a “running” start or hinder your pace and form when aiming the bolle. One particular boller who has long legs was starting his run cross-legged. When I asked why, he explained that he has to start his approach this way because if the backcourt is shorter, he can’t get a comfortable approach. So by starting cross-legged, he can step out giving him more space to then take his next steps. 

6: You can roll the bolle or you can shoot it! Shooting the bolle is exciting. Perhaps I see it that way because everyone kept telling me to “step back” and “heads up.” Or because the young man shooting kept breaking the poles. Or just maybe, because when I tried to roll the bolle, it went way too far (I have too much power behind my bolle roll). “Just roll it,” I was told while I was thinking, “I am.”

There are typically three types of players with different roles. The “lead person,” the middle person (no official name), and the “shooter.” The lead gets to make the team’s strategic decisions. The lead and the middle person typically roll the bolle to get it close to the pole. The shooter gets to shoot at an opponent’s bolle to knock it out of the area closest to the pole, or at a teammate’s bolle to knock it closer. More power is used when shooting. And a “step back” is shouted to the crowd.

7: There are Rolle Bolle courts in Belle Plaine, Marengo, Victor, Ladora, Blairstown, and Marion. And several have closed in just the last three years.

8: Bollers have a love-hate relationship with the game. One boller I visited with kept saying, “I hate this game.” Then he would tell me that he tries to play the game seven days a week. He was the only player from Illinois this weekend. After explaining that you can’t master this game because of all the variables, all of the bollers expressed how they love it. A love-hate for sure!

 9: This “thing” about Rolle Bolle is something that I know, and you may not know. Did you know that with a library card, you can check out a set of Rolle Bolle bolles at the Marengo Public Library? Yep.

10: This is not the last time that I will be writing about Rolle Bolle. smile

Boller Starting His Run Cross-Legged
Not One Size Fits All
Rolling the Bolle

Thank you to all of the Rolle Bolle bollers who were at the Marengo Court on September 16th. We will continue to educate and encourage a new generation of bollers to carry on your legacy.  — Jeanie

Welcome Center On Unique Five-Mile Stretch

Welcome Center On Unique Five-Mile Stretch

Lincoln HighwayHeritage Byway Coordinator Jeanie Hau also contributed to this article.

Currently, the Lincoln Highway Traveling Exhibit is at the Harrison County Historical Village and Welcome Center located three miles northeast of Missouri Valley, Iowa. So we thought there was no better time to tell you about this exceptional complex. Owned and operated by Harrison County Conservation, the welcome center is on a unique five-mile stretch where three of Iowa’s Scenic and Heritage Byways coexist — the Western Skies Scenic Byway, the Loess Hills National Scenic Byway, and the Prairie Rivers of Iowa-managed Lincoln Highway Heritage Byway. Furthermore, the complex is listed as a welcome center for the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail.

omplex and conservation area which includes: a historical village, a playscape incorporating the Lincoln Highway theme, an old gas station turned into picnic shelter, one of Iowa’s 99 Freedom Rocks, an original Lincoln Highway Marker in its original location, and a mile long concrete and limestone hiking trail through a portion of Loess Hills. To top off the view from the complex, there is a balcony spelling out, “Lincoln Highway” and a station to take a selfie at.

The complex and conservation area includes a historical village, a playscape incorporating a Lincoln Highway theme, an old gas station turned into a picnic shelter, one of Iowa’s 99 Freedom Rocks, a Lincoln Highway Marker in its original location, and a mile-long hiking trail through a portion of Loess Hills. To top off the view from the complex, there is a balcony spelling out, “Lincoln Highway” and a selfie station. It’s wonderful to fill visitors in about the highway and how it got started,” boasts Welcome Center Program Director Kathy Dirks, “The center’s auditorium showcases historical photos of the Lincoln Highway many of which depict locations a traveler can still see today.”  Some Lincoln Highway in Iowa images that are on display include the First Seedling Mile, the Honey Creek Cut, the Iowa Lincoln Highway Bridge in Tama, and Lincoln Way in Ames that many visitors find it hard to believe was once a muddy road Dirks remarked.

Harrison County Welome Center Playscape
Welcome Center Lincoln Highway Viewpoint
Old Gas Station Picnic Shelter

The Historic Lincoln Highway Bridge Is In Danger!

The Historic Lincoln Highway Bridge Is In Danger!

The Lincoln Highway Bridge in Tama, IA, once again needs your help to survive. Due to severe deterioration, engineers say it should be replaced if it’s going to continue serving as a truck route. The Tama City Council is holding a public hearing Monday, August 21, at 5:30 pm, at the Tama City Auditorium to hear comments on whether to repair or replace the bridge.

If you can attend the meeting and speak, please do so. If you can’t attend, you can send comments to tamacityclerk@tamacityia.gov , and / or make a comment below and we’ll pass it along to make sure you are heard.

Lincoln Highway Bridge in Tama, IA needs your help!

If you commented before, feel free to recycle your earlier comments. Possible topics include but are not limited to: What does the Tama Bridge mean to you? What special memories of the bridge, do you have? What would be lost if the bridge were replaced? 

Two ways to save the bridge the Council might consider are 1) Make the LH Bridge a pedestrian-only bridge and create a new truck route, and 2) Redesign the replacement bridge with modern safety railings and include the historic railings and lamp posts as design elements. Option 1 is the most likely to keep the bridge on the National Register of Historic Places and maintain its historicity.

Prairie Rivers of Iowa would like to collect as many comments as possible to make sure the messages are delivered. 

Prairie Rivers of Iowa Now Managing the Iowa Valley Scenic Byway

Prairie Rivers of Iowa Now Managing the Iowa Valley Scenic Byway

It seems a good fit that Prairie Rivers of Iowa has embarked on the management of the Iowa Valley Scenic Byway under a new contract from the Iowa Department of Transportation. Especially since the 77-mile Byway intersects with the 460-mile Lincoln Highway Heritage Byway that we’ve been managing for a number of years.

For a stretch of roadway from approximately Le Grand, IA to Belle Plaine, IA, the Iowa Valley Scenic Byway and the Lincoln Highway Heritage Byway intersect, cross, and are often on the same route. The Lincoln Highway Heritage Byway continues to traverse east to the Mississippi River and west the Missouri while the Iowa Valley Scenic Byway dips south through the river valley to the communities of Marengo, Homestead, and the Amana Colonies.

The Iowa Valley Byway takes you through rural agricultural land, the Iowa River wetlands/prairie, and a diverse cultural palette of Native American, Czech, and German heritages. There are trails, museums, tournaments, and festivals to teach and engage the traveler on all of the qualities which contribute to the significance of the area as a Scenic Byway of Iowa.

The Iowa Valley Byway takes you through rural agricultural land, the Iowa River wetlands and prairie, and showcases a diverse cultural palette of Native American, Czech, and German heritages. There are trails, museums, tournaments, and festivals to teach and engage the traveler on all of the qualities which contribute to the significance of the area as a Scenic Byway of Iowa.

It is anchored by two distinct cultures. At the western end of the byway is Iowa’s only Native American community, the Meskwaki Settlement. Visit the cultural center and museum, attend the annual powwow, or try your luck at the Meskwaki Bingo Casino Hotel anytime.

At the eastern end are the Seven Villages of the Amana Colonies. The Amana Colonies were created as a communal society in 1855 by Germans fleeing religious persecution. There you can find Iowa’s oldest winery, oldest microbrewery, a woolen mill, a furniture shop, a lot of great food, festivals, and a cluster of quality antique shops.

Our audio tour is a wonderful way to discover and connect with 40 special places along the Byway. It features well-known attractions, locations and unique curiosities, all of which tell an authentic, place-based story of the Iowa River Valley.

Download the audio tour brochure here to have handy on your phone or print it and take it with you as you explore the Iowa Valley Scenic Byway. Or if you prefer, listen to it via podcast here.

Visit our Byway page here to learn more and download a map and itinerary. And be sure to follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for the latest updates. See you along the Byway!

Celebrating 100 Years of the Reed/Niland Corner on the Lincoln Highway in Iowa

Celebrating 100 Years of the Reed/Niland Corner on the Lincoln Highway in Iowa

The Colo Historical Association and Kelsey Reed, manager of Niland’s Café and the Colo Motel, are looking toward the future while celebrating 100 years of the Reed’s Standard Service Station and the Reed/Niland Corner.

The Reed/Niland Corner sits at the crossroads of two transcontinental highways, in the small town of Colo, Iowa. The corner represents the history of auto transportation in the United States of America. This place is where the Lincoln Highway (the West-East motor route officially announced in 1913), and the Jefferson Highway (the North-South motor route officially announced in 1915) meet, join, and eventually separate in the center of the United States.

Reed Niland Corner in Colo, Iowa

The Beginning
In 1923, a soft-spoken, kind-hearted, generous man, Charlie Reed needed to supplement his small farming income to support the farm and his mother, whom he cared for until she passed away at 95. He saw an opportunity where the Lincoln and the Jefferson Highways meet, which happened to be at the SE corner of his property. Charlie started selling gas to travelers and set up a small gas station on his property.

He called his station the Lincoln-Jefferson Station (the L & J for short). It was not long before Charlie allowed travelers to camp on his land and to make them more comfortable, he added several “cubby hole” tourist cabins. To feed all of the travelers, Charlie soon started to sell sandwiches and cool beverages next to the small station. There is little chance that Charlie knew at the time that he had just started what was to become known as the traveler’s “one stop.” The corner may hold the claim that it was the first one-stop on the Lincoln Highway in Iowa, and it quickly became one of the first that was open 24 hours as well.

Early days of Reed's Standard Service Station - Colo Historical Association Photo

The Gas Station
The L & J Station relocated to the west side of the one-stop in 1930 (the original location was east of the current motel). Charlie renamed the station Reed’s Standard Red Crown Service Station. The architect of the station is unknown but the design shows design details of the Arts & Crafts movement of the early twentieth century with its awning and pillars.

Charlie’s gas station sold gas, oil, tires, batteries, cigarettes and cigars, soda pop, and candy and until 1940, the station offered oil change and tire repair services.

Standard Red Crown Service Station

According to Herb Owens, who interviewed Charlie for the Des Moines Tribune in 1952, the station employed 11 people besides Charlie, had four pumps and served as a bus station for two major bus lines, the Greyhound and the Jefferson.  The station was open 24 hours and boasted of a TV in the waiting room with two old leather Morris chairs. Owens says that Charlie liked to hang out at the station watching football or wrestling on the TV or playing checkers at the station on a Sunday afternoon.

Charlie Reed could be seen at the station most days until he passed away on June 26, 1967, at the age of 91. The Station closed and has not been open on a regular basis since then.

The Café
In 1926, Charlie decided to build a building for his lunch sandwiches and located it across from the L & J Station on the south side of the Lincoln-Jefferson Highway and fittingly called it, the L & J Café. Charlie’s nephew, C. Reed Niland helped Charlie run the station and C. Reed’s wife, Florence, ran the café.  In 1930, when Charlie moved the Standard station to the west, he relocated the café to the north side of the road at the present-day location, and he enlarged the kitchen and seating areas. He likely renamed the cafe to Niland’s Cafe at this time or some time in the early 1930s. The restaurant would continue to go through small size changes over time.

Niland's Cafe

The café was renamed Niland’s Café.  In 1932, C. Reed Niland passed away unexpectedly so another one of Charlie’s nephews, Claire Niland, helped at the station and Clare’s wife, Margaret, ran the café. Later, the husband/wife team took over the café. In 1952, Herb Owens reported that the couple still ran the café and described that there was, “a counter, booths, and a 100-selection jukebox; seven people were employed, and an extra girl worked in the summer.”  The café was run by the Nilands until their son John took over and decided to close the café in 1995.

The Motel
The motel also offered a shower house and electricity before other motels along the highway did. Around 1947, Charlie decided to expand the campground and sold the “cubby holes.”  He built 21 heated cabins for year-round use. Herb Owens reported in 1952, that there were two chambermaids employed and that Charlie, “loved to handle the rental of the motel space and that repeating guests loved him…he would always give them extra bars of soap and twice as many towels as they needed.”

Colo Motel

The Corner
In 1930, when the Jefferson Highway (US 65)  was paved from the corner to the north, a sweeping curve was built on the north side, or backside, of the building. This curve created a triangle form of roadways around the buildings. The corner or, “the operations on the triangle,” as Owens called it, had become known as the Reed-Niland Corner. Three generations of the two related Colo families had served auto travelers for more than seventy years because a small, quiet man needed to supplement his income and in doing so had discovered that he enjoyed the interaction and service to others.

Reed-Niland Corner

Keeping the Historic Corner Historic
In 1995, the Reed/Niland Corner became the property of the City of Colo. The Colo Development Group was formed and appointed to plan a renovation to preserve the history of the corner and plan for the operation of the café and motel. A Des Moines architectural firm was hired. It was decided that the station, the café, and the motel would be restored to a 1940s-1950s design. A pedestrian walk was added to the corner with several interpretive signs to tell the Reed/Niland story.  The project cost nearly $1 million including $663,000 in grant funding from the Iowa Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration’s Transportation Enhancement Funding, plus about $270,000 in local donations.

Reed’s Standard Service Station and Niland’s Café were renovated in 2003, and the motel finished renovations by 2008. You cannot get gas at Reed’s but it is now a museum outfitted with vintage Red Crown gas pumps, the original cash register, and other small items left from the working station. Signs for the bus station and the historic Lincoln and Jefferson Highways can be found inside. The station museum was only open to visitors by request or during special events until recently. Several bus tours and many visitors from nearby and abroad have stopped by the restaurant and received a special tour of the Station.

History inside the Reed's Standard Service Station.

The Future
The Reed-Niland corner is not currently on the Register of Historic Places. With the rich history and significance as a one-stop and unique crossing of the Lincoln and Jefferson transcontinental highways, there is a real possibility for a listing in the future.

Early in 2022, the Reed Station was opened to visitors by the Colo Historical Association as their local history museum. The Association’s main focus is displaying the history in and throughout Colo including but not limited to Lincoln & Jefferson Highways, the railroad, the Reed-Niland Corner, and all of the local Colo history.  The following is a statement from the Association:

“With the Reed-Niland Corner being a complete one-stop complex left in the Nation along the Lincoln Highway, the museum has been pleasingly overwhelmed with the number of visitors and their wonderful comments and support for having the Station opened to view, not only for the station history and artifacts but those of the Lincoln and Jefferson Highways,  Niland Café & Colo Motel, the nearby railroad and our vast local Colo history!”

“Each month we have several visitors at the Station from all over Iowa.  Many also visit Niland’s Café next door. We have had several visitors stop as they pass through, traveling the Lincoln Highway as a specially planned trip. The Station had many out-of-state visitors in June as we hosted a food stop for the Jefferson Highway Caravan as they traveled to their annual conference in Mason City, Iowa. As the new school year approaches, the Historical Association will be reaching out to our local schools to schedule tours to share with the younger generation the most interesting history and stories from the past!”

Kelsey Reed (no relation to Charlie) holds the current lease for managing Niland’s Café and the Colo Motel. Kelsey says that it was a fluke that she found the management posting on Facebook and that she was only expecting to be the manager of a restaurant where the menu was already set, the employees in place, and building repairs were not her responsibility. She was excited when she found out that she could make her own menu, set her own hours and make the changes she sees to become successful. Kelsey had run her own restaurant in Baxter, Kelsey’s Kitchen, for two years and didn’t want to close that location, but managing two restaurants was not an option for a single mother of a ten-year-old boy, Jaxon.

Kelsey said that for the restaurant, she had to do some deep cleaning, a slight remodel and update the wiring when she took over management. She is a bit frustrated going into the heated days of July with only air conditioning in the dining room. The windows of the building are very old and there is likely no insulation, so the kitchen can be unbearable on these warm summer days. She found two experienced cooks John Fritz (retired owner of the Country House) and Jessica McKinney who have worked as a team with the menu and processes. Travelers can expect a traditional homemade dining experience that includes homemade pies and hot beef sandwiches. Reed would also like everyone to know, “I have had great support from the community and welcome any and all ideas to continue to make the business successful.”

Fresh pies at Niland's Cafe.

The motel’s six rooms rent out per night, week, or month. Reed says that she is almost completely booked out until winter with many of her customers being construction workers, migrant workers, and travelling nurses. Additionally, the City of Colo manages four apartments on the corner.

100 Years of the Reed-Niland Corner Celebrations

To celebrate the 100 years since Charlie Reed began serving gas to travelers on the Lincoln and Jefferson Highways, the Colo Historical Association hosted an open house at the Reed Station Museum in June. Visitors ranged from local citizens to a caravan of motorcyclists who took cover under Charlie’s awning and visited with the historians.

I gathered a great deal of historical information from the museum and was shown the curious “bat” the station attendants used for protection (a deer’s leg fashioned with a handle for “handling”). My husband and I also frequented Niland’s Café for the first time and I ordered my standard café order of a hot beef sandwich and slice of pie. It was the best hot beef sandwich I have ever had, and the pie was great too!

No one can say that Kelsey Reed is not on board with celebrating the history of the Reed-Niland Corner. From the photographs, she looks at every day on the walls of the café to the postcards she sells and the celebration that she has planned for the corner on Saturday, August 5th. Reed’s Service Station Museum will be open as well.

The celebration will feature a band from noon until three and food specials outdoors as Charlie did back in 1923. They’ll be slinging burgers and hot dogs in addition to the regular menu. The kitchen closes at 8 p.m. and the bar will remain open until 11.

Find the full details here.

The Colo History Museum/Reed Station is open the last Saturday and Sunday of every month from 10-2 and for special events.

Niland’s Café and the Colo Motel are located at 24 Lincoln Hwy in Colo.

Café hours May 1 – Oct 31: Tues-Fri 11-8, Sat 8-8, Sunday 8-2 , Nov-April closes, at 7 p.m.

Morel rooms can be reserved in advance by calling 641-377-3662.

Nearby recreation can be found at the Colo Bogs Wildlife Management Area less than a mile to the east on the Lincoln Highway Heritage Byway, and at Story County Conservation’s 445-acre park Hickory Grove Park which includes a 98-acre lake featuring fishing, swimming, canoeing, picnicking, and camping.

Thank you to the Colo Historical Association for the history and to Herb Owens, for the article he wrote in the January 25, 1952, Des Moines Tribune.

Step Into the Sankot Garage for Treasured Bits of Lincoln Highway History

Step Into the Sankot Garage for Treasured Bits of Lincoln Highway History

To get to Sankot Motor Company, or Sankot Garage as it’s known in Belle Plaine, find the Lincoln Café where the Lincoln Highway Heritage Byway crosses 8th Avenue in the middle of town. Treat yourself to the lunch special – it was fried fish the Friday when I was there – then walk east on the Byway barely half a block. The big red Case sign, the neon long gone, reaches out from the old red brick building to show you where you’re going. As you get closer, you’ll notice the large plate glass windows and the plaque that reads Sankot Motor Company has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places by the United States Department of the Interior. Registered 1995.

To step into Sankot Garage in Belle Plaine today is to step into the bits and fragments of small-town Lincoln Highway history. A massive safe rests alongside a beaten-up wooden table with worn, ornate hardware; racks of aging car parts line the walls up two stories. On one side of the building, a skylight allows the sun’s rays to illuminate bins of car parts, hoists hanging from beams, and a partial tractor body waiting for repair.

Bill Sankot Outside of His Historic Garage
Parts Bin at Sankot Garage

Dust and the faint scent of oil hang in the air. Over a century old, Sankot Garage is a place where the parts and pieces of the decades intermingle.

Owner Bill Sankot greets me. Dressed from neck to ankles in overalls, he’s taking a break from his current Case tractor restoration project. Bill is great-nephew of O.B., Charles, and Sid, the brothers who owned the company back in the 1920s, those heady years when the country’s major coast-to-coast highway ran through Belle Plaine.  This was the era before interstates facilitated travel bypassing towns and their amenities. Before the interstate rest stop, roads were designed to angle through towns, where travelers could stop for gas or get a bite to eat at a local café.

If it was late in the day, they might decide to stay the night at a local campground, spend a dollar for a motel room, or splurge for a room at the Herring Hotel. The Lincoln Highway eventually brought enough travelers to keep 19 gas stations in business, according to Mitch Malcolm from the Belle Plaine Area Museum, “and they all were a going concern.”

Sankot sold Chrysler cars and auto parts and did repairs in the 1920s and 30s. In those days before paved roads, Iowa had the dubious distinction of having both dirt roads that turned into “gumbo,” sucking in automobiles in inclement weather, and the resistance to modern paving methods.

Every town needed a good towing service.  Sankot Garage was open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and offered all-night towing and wrecker service. A poster on the wall displays photos from Sankot history. It shows a tow truck hauling a Model T Ford and some of the famous people who stopped by on their travels west from Chicago, including heavyweight boxer Kingfish Levinsky, crouching in a boxing stance for the camera.

Sankot Garage self-made wrecker made from a 1929 Cadillac chassis.

Over the decades, while so many other family-owned businesses disappeared, Sankot Garage continued to reinvent itself to serve the changing needs of its customers. Back in the day before rural electrification, Sankot rebuilt and recharged batteries needed for autos, lights, and radios. People usually brought batteries in for recharging on Saturday, the day they went to buy groceries. Bill shows me one of the claim checks customers were given.

Bill’s dad, F.L. Sankot, purchased the business in 1937, and it switched from selling and fixing automobiles to Case and Oliver tractors and implements. Bill and his brother Jerry bought the garage in 1985, and they continued to repair a variety of autos, trucks, tractors, and farm implements. Once Interstate 80 sapped clientele, things got quieter, but there is still enough business to keep Bill busy.

 What’s next for Sankot Garage? None of Bill’s children are inclined to take over the business, but as long as Bill’s there, he’s minding the store … and the history.   

Sankot Garage Vintage Battery Repair Ticket
Sankot Garage Vintage Decal
Sankot Garage National Register of Historic Places Plaque
Bill Sankot in his garage with a Case tractor restoration project.